A Pesonal Reset

Do you ever feel worn out? 🙋♀️🙋🏻♂️Us too ... Even though we absolutely ❤️ what we do 🤩🤩 Some seasons of life ⛈ can tend to get out of ⚖️ balance Too much work 👨🏻🎓👩🏼💻 Not enough rest 💤 Non stop 🛑 giving Mindless fueling up 🍽🏋️♀️🙏 You get the picture ‼️ When this happens... it may be time to push Reset 💥 🎯🎯 H.A.L.T. 🎯🎯
This weekend is a good time to remember the H.A.L.T. principle 🤔 We’ve had to do this several times this weekend ❎✅
✳️Are you or a loved one 👇 Hungry 😋 Angry 😤 Lonely 😔 Tired 😓 •• 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 🤝if the answer is Yes 👍👍 Then it just may be a good time to pause ✳️ refocus 🧐🔎 and offer (and receive) grace 🙏🙏🙏
Put some energy into resolving it ☝️ 👊👊👊 it’s okay to 👇👇👇
✅Feed your body if you’re hungry ✅Calm your feelings if you’re angry
✅Reconnect with someone special if you’re lonely
✅Rest if you’re tired Embracing our personal best depends upon this‼️

🙏🙏🙏 “Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame.
Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant.
Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder.
Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality.” Romans 12:11-13 MSG https://www.bible.com/97/rom.12.11-13.msg

To your healthy lifestyle, Angela